These are an interesting collection of maps that may have you looking at our planet in a completely different way!
Where Google Street View is available.
The supercontinent of Pangaea with modern day borders.
The pink represents countries that the British have invaded. Goddammit, Brittan!
Countries that don't use metric. Goddammit, America!
Most common surnames by country.
Countries that offer maternity leave. Goddammit, America!
McDonalds Around the World
Time Zones in Antarctica.
What side of the street do you drive on?
Alcohol consumption.
Most popular alcoholic drink by country.
Flags of the world.
Population density.
Most cases of bribery.
Map of Where 29,000 Rubber Duckies Made Landfall After Falling off a Cargo Ship in the Middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Highest paid public employees. Goddammit, America!
The rivers of America.
The world's population concentrated.
Number of researchers.
How old someone is when they lose their virginity.
Plant life.
Coffee consumption.
Writing systems of the world.
Rivers that empty into the Mississippi River.
The world divided into seven regions, each containing a population of one billion.
The Economic Center of Gravity Since 1 AD
Earth’s Population by Latitude and Longitude
The yellow area represents where two percent of Australia's population lives.
Area codes in which Ludacris claims to have hoes.
Dangerous places to travel due to pirates.
Water risk.
Lightning strikes.
If the United States was on the moon.
Map of the world tattoo with places visited colored in.
The world flipped, since North is arbitrary.
Literal Chinese translations for country names.
The longest straight line you can sail without hitting land. (Pakistan to Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia – 20000 miles)
Internet usage during a 24 hour period.
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