Atlantic salmon
A single 200gm serving of salmon is enough to maintain a balanced amount of EPA and DHA in human body. These are fats which are directly linked with the mood. American heart association has given credence to the fact that eating salmon twice a week is very good for health. It is rich in proteins with very low calories making it a perfect diet as it stimulates good and cordial mood as well.
It is a very useful drink to start your day. It boosts up your mood and keeps you going all day long. Caffeine is very good to increase mental alertness and having it in your body can result in more efficiency and a smiling face.
Dark chocolate
Every body likes to have a chocolate. It is a symbol of love and this sweet delight is a source of happiness for everybody. The cocoa in dark chocolate is very helpful in marinating the blood sugar level, it also acts as antioxidant. It affects the mood in a very positive way and evokes good feelings
Choline is a chemical nutrient present in eggs which is a stimulator for neuron transmission and it is linked with sleep, memory and mood levels of humans. Everybody likes to have eggs in breakfast especially and they are eaten around the world without any discretion.
Grain bread
Low GI carb is the best thing to keep yourself industrious and in high spirits. Grain bread can be very helpful in achieving this goal and its regular use is very good for health.
Green tea
It has multidimensional effects on human body. Keeping it part of daily diet is necessary for maintaining high blood glucose level. It also helps in weight loss. It relaxes and soothes the human body affecting thinking and alertness positively. And it is used to prevent various cancers.
These are foods with very low fats and their digestion is very slow. Cholesterol level is also very low and iron is present in these foods in abundant quantity. They enhance the regulation of neurotransmitter serotonin which boosts the mood.
Red meat
It is enriched in iron and is very helpful for women of every age group. It accommodates for the iron need of the body. Iron is an essential element for keeping the body calm and active.
Enriched in iodine, sea weeds are rich in fiber and have anti-viral properties. Iodine plays a pivotal role in maintaining thyroid hormones and metabolism. It results in better energy levels and mood.
Walnuts are very good for the nutrition of brain. They keep the cholesterol level in check and help maintain a proper blood circulation in the body. This is why they are rightly liked by people of every age group
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