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Top 10 Law Firms in India - December 2013

Top 10 Law Firms in India - December 2013 1.Mulla & Mulla & Craigie Blunt & Caroe 2.Desai & Diwanji 3.Khaitan & Partners 4.Anand and Anand 5.Gagrats Advocates & Solicitors 6.Jehangir Gulabbhai & Bilimoria & Daruwalla 7.Surana & Surana International Attorneys 8.Titus & Co. 9.Singhania & Partners 10.FoxMandal Little ...


The Bridge of Peace — Tbilisi, Georgia

 The Bridge of Peace — Tbilisi, Georgia Tbilisi pedestrian Peace Bridge, which runs over the Mtkvari River which total length is 156 meters, hit the Top-13 most unusual bridges in the world. Pedestrian Bridge World, connecting Old Tbilisi with new neighborhoods - one of the most significant buildings of the Georgian capital. Bridge with a roof of glass panels in the spirit of Norman Foster designed by Italian architect Michele De Lucchi with French designer- illuminator Philippe Martineau. The Bridge of...

Ancient Siam — Mueang Boran Park

Ancient Siam — Mueang Boran Park   Ancient Siam formerly known as Ancient City — Mueang Boran is a park constructed under the patronage of Lek Viriyaphant and spreading over 200 acres (0.81 km2) in the shape of Thailand. The founder's original idea was to create a golf course with miniatures of Thailand's historically significant structures spread around the course. During his research he found most structures being severely damaged over time and decided instead of creating new miniatures to save the original structures...

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park — McWay Falls, California

 Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park — McWay Falls, California McWay Falls is an incredibly scenic waterfall. McWay Creek drops 84 ft. off a cliff onto the beach nestled in a pretty little cove. The overlook view of the cove where the waterfall drops, is stunning to say the least. Unfortunately, you cannot get down onto the scenic beach (legally), as the cliffs are too crumbly and dangerous to descend (and if you try it, be prepared to receive a very hefty fine). I think, though, if it were possible to get down to the...