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Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight

On : 20:29

Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight

Fights between siblings is something that everyone of us would have experienced. The brothers and sisters in the same house always struggle to make themselves more special and more important to the parents and rest of the family.  This makes them fight. This is part of their growing naturally and freely with learning from the small fights with the siblings. They say “kids will be kids” and that is so true because no one can stop them from fighting with the siblings. They will even fight like a cat and dog but this is the way they are. You should notice that at the next moment they are like best buddies forever.  Parents worry too much about these daily fights between them but this is a perfectly normal thing. Parents should not worry if their kids disagree over things, don’t want you to touch their things. The siblings work it out within themselves and parents need not interfere, instead let them try it out themselves. These are the most common reasons for the fights between siblings.
#10] Shortage of food:
food 300x189 Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight
No one can satisfy the hunger of children completely. Even if there are plenty of snack bags in the house, I would always want the one my sister is having. All of a sudden that becomes your favorite flavour and all the other snacks and pies looks like waste. All at once there is a food crisis at home and you want the same flavour of be-it-whatever your brother or sister is eating. No matter how many juice boxes are stored in the fridge, siblings fight for the one kept the nearest to their arm and fight for it. This is fun for them but for their parents, it is mess.

#9] Varying personalities:
sibling fight Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight
Every person on the earth carries a different personality. Even if you have twins at home, they both can be totally different. This kind of unique personalities can make siblings fight. The differences in personalities can make anyone give rise to a conflict, even the mature ones. Even the parents sometimes have issues due to the personalities, so it is obvious that the siblings will fight. If one of the siblings is aggressive so he would want to irritate the other, poke him and will try to get a funny reaction from him. This is a part of their upbringing. Let them enjoy this phase.
#8] Undisciplined:
undisciplined 300x198 Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight
Parents must always teach discipline to their children. They must set some boundaries and teach them how to behave properly with their elder brother or sister. The manners and discipline taught by them can avoid many fights which are unnecessarily a part of their chores. The children must know that there are certain rules or you can say ethics that must be followed and the parents must be a little strict for this. Conflicts in siblings will surely reduce if the parents bound them with discipline. As they, everything must start at home and so parents must teach the mannerism to the kids from the beginning itself. That will help them through their lifetime.
#7] Touching and taking things:
taking things 300x300 Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight
If you touch or take even a single pen that belongs to your sibling, you are going to pay for it. Brothers and sisters, be it small or teens, would never like that some one touch their stuff. They are very possessive of their stuff. Such fights initiate as soon as the siblings starts consider certain things belongs to them. They do not want anyone else to own the things they have. They can fight for a piece of paper, a shirt you like, your school bag, and everything they keep in it, etc.
#6] Toys:
toys 300x300 Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight
These are the things one will always fight for. It does not matter if you have more than a dozen toys at home. A child has a lot of toys which he can call them his own, he will always want a dozen more. The toys are never enough. For the parents these are just plastic junks. But for children, the same plastic junk is precious and defines a status. If his/her siblings get a toy that is only an inch greater than his toy, his status gets hurt and then they fight. This is how it works with toys.
#5] Television:
tv fight 300x169 Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight
The credit for fighting over TV must be given to the cable operator or the service provider. This is because they do not broadcast cartoon, wrestling, discovery, national geographic channel and daily soaps all at the same time. Now if there is only one television and siblings at home, fight is a sure thing. If one wants to watch cartoon the other one would want to watch science at the same time. Unfortunately, the set top boxes cannot play all of these at once. And therefore there is no way these fights can be avoided.
#4] Score for everything:
sibling rivalry 300x199 Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight
This is absolutely a valid reason to fight. Children always keep score. And by always i mean forever. They grow, still they have scores. They always and forever observe everything. Be it the number of hugs in a Christmas week, books, friends, and hours to play everything. They always keep a score of the chocolates they eat ad fight if the scores don’t match for the siblings. This is plain and simple and everyone of us might have done that.
#3] Age gap:
age gap 300x168 Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight
Most of the times they fight because of the age factor, which comes in between them. Being the same age can also be a reason to fight. This is possible as same age group means same expectations by the parents and competition with siblings increases and thus increasing the reasons to fight. And if there is a large age difference then the elder one tries to dominate and the siblings fight. The elder one gets things, say bike, before the younger ones and they cannot bear this fact initiating a fight. Individual personalities affect the fighting reasons between siblings, and so does the age.
#2] Unequal beauty and brains:
unequal beauty 300x199 Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight
Siblings fight a lot because they do not have equal amount of talent and equal amount of beauty. All the kids are different and have different fields of strength. When people compare the siblings, they usually complaint that one is not as intelligent as the other. Parents also keep on telling them to behave properly in class and perform just like the other one do and also to take care of the diet because he/she does not look as fit as the other one. Siblings are immature and they do not like getting compared about their brains and beauty. No one must tell them that his/her sibling is prettier, bigger, faster, smarter or better in anything and any manner.
#1] Partial parents:
partiality Top 10 Reasons why Siblings Fight
This is the most obvious reason that siblings fight because the parents have individual favorites  The mother may like the girl child more and father may like the boy. Mother may like the older one but father the younger one. There can be favoritism of any kind. But the fact is no one can love all of them equally. This partial behavior of parents is the root for a lot of fights in siblings and this fight continues even after the child grows up and gets married.


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