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10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad

On : 20:28

10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad

Surveys have very rightly quoted, “Female foeticide and infanticide is the new cancer that is slowly killing us”. And yes, it prevails true in a country like ours, where there are innumerable such cases each day in many parts of the country. The problem and atrocities of female foeticide on the society has worsened so much over the years that it has become a serious Human Rights issue in India today. Not only for the short term implications it could have on the society as a whole, this plague of female foeticide has some drastic long lasting effects too, such as increasing crime rates over a period of time, discouraging girls from acquiring education or higher studies, slackness of women safety implementation laws and much more. Yes, striving to attain a status of equality between men and women is important, but why essentially is female foeticide to be fought against? Here’s a list of reasons as to why there should be a proper stop to this problem of female foeticide in the society.
10. The skewed sex ratio
The skewed sex ratio 10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad
Ill problems persisting in the society such as female foeticide and infanticide lead to a much imbalanced sex ratio. Sex ration is the number of females to males in a particular region of the country. The census since the last 5 years has seen a lot of changes in the sex ratio of women per 1000 males in the region. If this problem of female foeticide continues, then the sex ratio gets dropped more and the number of females would just keep lowering down to the number of males in the country, reducing the population of women.

9. Safety during the process of female foeticide
Safety during the process of female foeticide 10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad
Unusually when an abortion is done to kill a female child even during the child is in the womb of the mother; it is done through small illegal and unhealthy local hospitals. This increases the risk of diseases which women become prone to when they are forced or directed towards this sickness of female foeticide. A large number of women have thus contaminated a lot of diseases after going through killing their female girl child at disorganized and illegal doctors and hospitals.
8. Traumatic effects on the mother’s mind
Traumatic effects on the mother’s mind 10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad
After being forced to get her only female child killed is nothing but a painful traumatic effect for her. Due to so much stress, trauma and depression, women thus tend to suffer by a lot of mental and psychological problems, which for some last lifelong. A lot of women have had to go through a lot of psychological and physiological training in order to get their life back to normal, but some couldn’t get out of the trap. In this way, the women population gets more unexplored and oppress, leading to the deterioration of the female population in the society, mentally and emotionally.
7. Fewer women become eligible to marry
Fewer women become eligible to marry 10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad
Due to the declining population of females as compared to males, in a lot of places in the northern part of the country, grooms have to go in search of brides by traveling pretty far of distances. And when brides from across the state borders or district borders are requested for, they find it very difficult to suit into different culture and traditions, and thus leading to cases of domestic violence and activities among men such as polygamy or prostitution.
6. Women are not given the right to education
Women are not given the right to education 10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad
Due to the lessening number of females to males in the country, the representation of women In jobs and other sectors of profession becomes more and more less, leading to a decline in their worth and value in the society. Therefore, people start believing that there is no use and no point in education a female and therefore a large number of women in many different parts of cities and districts are still denied their right to go to schools and attain their basic education because of their support towards malpractices such as female foeticide and infanticide and thus digressing the number of females.
5. It denies the basic fundamental right to live
It denies the basic fundamental right to live 10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad
Every citizen in this country is born with their own rights and freedom, and therefore it is nothing but a large digression in the society that female children are killed even before they enter the real world. It completely harnessing and putting down the fundamental right to live for the female foetus as well as for the mother, as there has been a lot of cases of mothers committing suicide after their female child was killed, due to stress and mental and emotional trauma.
4. Increasing crime rates against women
Increasing crime rates against women 10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad
Female foeticide should be simply fought against for the plain and simple reasons that it helps and encourage crimes against women such as rapes, molestation, kidnapping, domestic violence, etc. once the number of females start lowering down, women lose their status in the society and the society just turns into a male dominated region, leading to many kinds of assaults against women including sexual harassment.
3. Raises inequality between men and women
Raises inequality between men and women 10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad
The attempts to establish a balanced and equal relationship between men and women in the society goes into water due to such practice of female foeticide and infanticide persisting in the society. It leads to deifying a basic standard of thought for people wherein people start believing that yes, society is ought to be a male dominated one and that women can never be on par with men, which is completely biased and wrong ethically. Malpractices such as female foeticide lead to the hampering of morals and other value among women, thus discouraging them to compete with men and prove that they can succeed in all walks of life.
2. Women lose their place in society
Women lose their place in society 10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad
Women lose their place, value and standard in the society due to very less representation of women In a lot of issues such as civil departments, judicial means, or politically representing their opinions and thoughts on issues. Practice such as female foeticide lead to instilling a sense of fright within women, leaving them deprived of every little opportunity they could use to make their life better and at par with men. Due to such practice of foeticide and infanticide, women are scared just behind the bars of their house and locked up inside those four walls, leading to a lot of discouragement, insult and loss of self confidence among women, leading to a very unhealthy society.
1.  It is against the Law
It is against the Law 10 Reasons why Female Foeticide is Bad
Irrespective of how female foeticide affects the women population and the societal economy as the whole, the most important reason as to why female foeticide is bad and should be fought against is that because now it is against the Law. The Indian law forbids anyone to get an abortion done using gender examination means, when gender examination before the birth of the baby is itself abolished and put a stop to. Therefore, indulging in activities like female foeticide or forcing a woman to kill her female foetus is strictly against the law, following which the people involved are penalized heavily, sometimes even with death penalties.


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