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Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie

On : 13:51

Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie

Android came as open sourced OS which Google further developed and did a wonderful job in making it a huge success across the globe and people actually prefer this OS over other because it has so many options and customization unlike IOS and windows. Your device is actually smart. What Android did with Google was, they developed a community of apps designer who came forward and due to the open source code nature of this platform it allows to distribute the software among device manufacturers and wireless carriers. An estimated number of applications downloaded from Google play was 25 billion. Surely these factors worked well for Android making it a success among it’s users. First Android version to be launched was 1.5 cupcake and latest version is 4.2 Jelly Bean which has been used in many good devices such as HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4. Now the world is waiting for another super intelligent more responsive and cool version of Android 5 Key Lime Pie. Official launch is yet to be made but rumor mill is on and many expectations are already been set by people from Google and Android, lets wait and watch if they meet those expectations or crash them badly.
1. Performance
performance Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
The heavy users are expecting a good battery output from Android this time as it’s high time that they resolve the battery issues because smartphones are lacking behind in battery only which shall be sorted ASAP. Giving performance profile will be good option in which user can manage and select their own battery usage plan and can opt from dimming the display to data transfer. They should make Android less battery hungry providing a good battery and standby time to user which can be made by not allowing it to use much of RAM or providing alternatives to that. Project Butter needs to look into this matter seriously. A good battery means less hassle for user to charge the device every there and then.  Android will become first OS to seriously look into this matter and will surely bring company many positive and good feedback if everything goes in place. Also, provide us with battery percentage so that we have an idea how much time is left in our hand to run and grab the charger!

2. Enhanced multitasking and social integration
multitasking android 300x152 Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
Android has been a good name when it comes to multitask allowing user to switch between apps and run them simultaneously. Samsung did a good job of offering new level multitasking in S4 giving a choice to running two apps on wide screen and google must learn from it making this feature available in all high end devices which runs on Android. Another point which Android is looking at it is social integration and sharing experience on Facebook, Twitter. Google can make a step ahead and provide new age social media integration which gives user an ease while sharing content and broadcasting over different networks. Today’s youth are most active on social networks which is a part of their daily life and this user experience need to be enhanced more thoughtfully. Google takes the best app from third party applications and build them into OS.
3. Revamped and cross messaging sync
sync Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
What is the most irritating part of SIM swapping and when you change the device? Contacts are somehow transferred but what we don’t get  is messages or conversation on other device which irritates you the most because some of them contain good memory( my personal experience) and I would love to see Android coming forward and solving this issue in which it helps the user to store their messages on phone rather than SIM card so either the texts could be stored on SD memory card or SIM card so even if you swap SIM or change your device your conversation is backed up on memory card and will be with you forever. Another mind blowing feature which we are expecting from Google is, introducing “Babel” service somehow similar to imessage in which it allows you to send messages on other Android device both tablets and smartphone. Babel can come with following features redesigned conversation UI, improved notifications and ability to send pictures across all Android devices and advanced group conversations.
4. Video chat app 
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We Android users need a common video chat app where we can all video chat on same platform giving us a better video chat experience. Mostly every high end device comes with front camera yet no common video chat app from google seems to be a problem and we do feel need of that. Lets not keep skype as our option because half of the time it faces network issue and other factors. Android and Google needs to build a proper Video chat app which we are anticipating from both of them this time. This will not only allow a common platform but it will be a good experience from one Android user to other to use this app.
5. Multiple device support
mult dev small Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
If you have multiple Android device, lets say a tablet and smartphone and you cannot switch between phone and website players to resume watching the video. For instance you are watching movie on your tablet, you are limited to watch that movie on same device, you cannot switch it to your smartphone which should be fixed in this update. These features might look small but has good use once they take their place.
6. Keyboard
keyboard Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
Small devices which runs on Android has one complaint of keyboard and character input. We are done with traditional QWERTY keyboards man, bring something new..learn something from smartphone giants such as HTC and Sony even Blackberry Z1o has new keyboard layout. Google, wake up from slumber and come up with some clever input gesture. This one basic thing need to be rectified because in small devices we tend to press “y” instead of “t” and using QWERTY keyboard with thumb is not a good choice.
7. Multi select in contacts
mutliple select icon magento 1 Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
Contacts are useful in Android but if we want to select a bunch of selected people to invite them over house warming we end up warming our brain instead because we have to select one contact to email and then adding the rest one by one. A checkbox system is predicted in Key Lime Pie which let the user scroll and select a list of selected people to whom you want to message. This feature will make both texting and e-mail an ultimate pleasure. Communication is a basic need which requires constant upgrades time to time and Android has proved it every time and then that it can fulfill the user requirement through it’s constant efforts to make it big.
8. Bye-Bye to updates
update Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
Those annoying updates which pokes you every time you open your device might become a thing of past with Android 5 Key Lime Pie. Some apps are better without the updates(some updates even make that app paid), rather than that app developer forcing us to update. We could keep a beta version of app without updating it which saves our time and hassle as well. Presently, we do have that manual option of switching off update feature but a more permanent option is more appropriate.
9. Offline maps and better location settings
location Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
Google maps do consume battery when used which should be controlled. The comprehensive guidance offered my google has battery issues unlike Nokia who offers users to download that data and use it offline thus, no 3G required. The user data can be further used and we don’t have to open Google every time when we have to search an eating joint nearby. What is expected from Android this time is better privacy over location settings, privacy has not been Google’s forte and it has paid fines multiple times for collecting data from individuals. Better location service means turning location off for particular app like they do in IOS which not only saves your data from being used but also saves your battery from being drained unnecessarily.
10. Android backup 
backup Top 10 New Expected Features in Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie
icloud did it with backup option on their storage software or your laptop now expected from Android 5 Key Lime Pie. Yes we are talking about storage facility over internet. Basic info like contacts and pictures music could be backed up on laptop but what about that challenging score you made in temple run 2 which you were supposed to flaunt in your group but alas! You lost it. Now? make that score again! Frustrating..isn’t it?
Files like music photos and texts does get lost in transition when you change from one device to other especially any customization you made with so much effort..all drained with your old device. We are expecting something like icloud from Google which is a dire need of every Android user.
This was all about Android 5 Key Lime a juicy piece of information. Google is planning to release it in conference to be held in may but it will delay for sometimes due to unavailability of Android 4.2 to every device. Samsung does plan to upgrade the devices with Android 5 and some of it’s devices are Galaxy Note 10.1, Galaxy Note 8.0, Galaxy note 2, Galaxy S3 and Galaxy S4.
It’s hard to be patient but we have no choice!


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