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Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know

On : 13:14

Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know

Facebook, the most common social networking site these days which has become rage among youth. From uploading the picture of latest purchased car or photos from childhood, everything is on Facebook. Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with his college mates and fellow Harvard University. Initially, this site was limited to selected bunch of people slowly extended to other colleges as well and now it’s all over the world, allowing anyone over the age of 13 to register themselves and create a customized profile, add friends, share pictures and messages with the other people registered on it. On September 2012, it had over one billion active user which shows it’s reach among people. Facebook also opened its Initial Public Offering on 1 Feb 2012 and began selling stock to public on NASDAQ in May, 2012. Mainly earning through Adverts, it’s a great platform to show your product and services. Facebook runs a serious business behind all the fun!
We are introducing useful and some fun tricks on Facebook which most of us don’t know.
1. Advert control
adverts Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know

Those pestering adverts while you are reading news feed or stalking someone’s profile(pun intended). Many of us don’t know the trick of removing these adverts which is simple. Facebook cleaner is an app which does that trick for you in few seconds, if you are Mozilla Firefox user you can install plugin called “addon” to do it for you. It’s simple, easy and yet effective.

2. Dislike Button
dislike 300x218 Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know
Many of us are waiting for this button since long. Like button if you like something but what about stupid random things which we see everyday. Internet has taught us one thing, stupidity is international! currently available for Mozilla Firefox users as an add on, which can add dislike button to their status update and photos which is really thoughtful of Mozilla team! Imagine that trouble in paradise when your friend sees dislike on his profile picture!

3. Creating your emoticon  
emoticon Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know
If you are good with coding well in good if not, it’s not that difficult! create your very own emoticon on Facebook while chatting with your friends and surprise them with your “hidden” talent. All you have to do is insert your friend’s username in [[ ]] brackets, for example, [[mehravidit]] is my username on Facebook so if you put mehravidit in [[ ]] and send in chat, then profile picture of mine will be displayed. Try it with your friend’s username and watch the fun!
Epic ice breaker and conversation starter!

4. Appear online to selected people only
facebook chat 264x300 Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know
The most used tool of Facebook is chat but real problem comes when you see bunch of people online and also those with whom you don’t want to chat and they keep on messaging you and at the same time you don’t want them to think that you are ignoring them. Now appear only to selected people and this is how you do it, go to chat settings on lower right of page and click on friend list which will open a small window where you can type and create a new list and name it anything for example “avoid”. Now in this list drag the names which you want to avoid and set your status as offline to this sect of people and you appear invisible to them completely.

5. Control comment notification
unfollow 300x162 Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know
Those “tag” lover friends who like to tag 50 people in one picture and all of them start commenting and you constantly get notifications or those who tag your name in a post whether you did something or not and you feel that rage of getting bugged by those notification, here is a solution for you, along with like button and comment option there is one more option of unfollow post which allows user to ignore all the comments being made on the picture or post you are tagged in.

6. Add photos to the map
map Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know

The new feature of timeline became very popular among people triggering mixed reactions from people and later on became popular. Facebook timeline has a map where pictures can be added to the places you visited with friends. Just visit your profile, go to the map by clicking on a box under cover picture and click on top “add photos to map” and after doing this you will have clear picture of all the places you have visited.

7. Download your information
download info 300x168 Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know
You can request and download all your vital data on Facebook which include your status updates, friends, photos, and daily news which can be kept for future references and for private use. Just click on upper right corner of your profile where your name appears then click on account settings and page with General Account settings will open up finally, at the bottom it will show the link of Download a copy of Facebook data, click it and it will take some time to download which will be notified to you via email to prevent misuse.

8. Using Facebook to create business card 
facebook business card Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know
How about having your very own business card in style of Facebook timeline? This service is offered by application who partnered with Facebook. You can create it in two ways, first you have to change language to English US, go to profile and click “about” , go down to contact card and click on icon you see in image and you have your business card in timeline style!

9. Full profile picture thumbnail
thumbnail 300x107 Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know
When you upload a latest trendy picture of your’s, by default in this new timeline, it shows only a part of picture and not the full picture in profile and comments you make on other posts which is not proper. Now, without cropping, you can show full picture by clicking “scale to fit” option which comes when you left click on your profile pic which automatically adjusts your thumbnail to full view of picture as shown.

10. Posting status in blue color
how to post blue color status on facebook 300x99 Top 10 Facebook Tricks you dont know
To make your post look like any link, but originally it’s a trick to fool your friend and when he will click it, that status will redirect him to your profile! Just type the following code,  ‘@@[0:[0:1: your status]]’ without quote and hit enter, it will look like the above picture!

1 comment :

  1. AnonymousJune 16, 2013

    thanks dude... more likely good info's
