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Stonehenge mystery thickens

Stonehenge mystery thickens Researchers have discovered what may be the largest surviving Neolithic stone monument in the U.K. — an enormous ‘superhenge’ with as many as 100 large standing stones — about three kilometres from the famous Stonehenge. Tourists at the Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain in England. The remains of the monument are buried under a thick, grassy bank and are thought to have been hauled into position more than 4,500 years ago. The hidden arrangement of nearly 100 huge standing stones formed part of a...

Whale vomit set to fetch 7,000 pounds at auction

Whale vomit set to fetch 7,000 pounds at auction The extremely rare lump of ambergris found by a dog walker on a beach An extremely rare lump of whale vomit found by a dog walker on a beach in the UK is expected to fetch 7,000 pounds at the first auction of its kind. The substance is used in the perfumery industry and has sold for thousands of pounds privately before. The chunk of ambergris — a waxy rock-like substance that can prolong the scent of perfume — was found washed-up on the shore at Anglesey, north Wales, earlier...

New species of ancient humans found

New species of ancient humans found Explorers stumbled upon a huge haul of bones found in a small, dark chamber at the back of a cave in South Africa A huge haul of bones found in a small, dark chamber at the back of a cave in South Africa may be the remnants of a new species of ancient human relative. A replica of the skull of a newly discovered ancient species, "Homo naledi" - named in honour of the "Rising Star" cave where it was found. Naledi means "star" in South Africa's Sesotho language. Explorers happened upon the bones...


Indian Railway Destination Alert and Wake up call - A Boon to Regular Train Travellers in India

Destination Alert Railway Passengers can set destination alert on •  139 Railway Enquiry Service IVR • 139 Railway Enquiry service with assistance from customer service Executive •  SMS 139 with one simple keyword  Steps for Activating Destination Alert on 139 IVR • Dial 139 from the Mobile you want you want to set Destination Alert • Choose your preferred language • Select option 7 from the IVR main menu • Press -2 for Destination Alert • Enter your 10 digit PNR number • Press 1 to confirm your...



THIS TOMAHAWK BIKE IS PURE BEAUTY  This is tomahawk bike, a hand-built non–street legal concept bike by Dodge. The bike can reach the speed of 100 km per hour in only 2.5 seconds and it has the engine of a Dodge Viper. This bike is pure beauty. ...


10 beautiful monasteries in and around India

10 beautiful monasteries in and around India 1. Thiksey Monastery, Ladakh Located about 20 kilometres south east of Leh, Thiksey monastery is a prominent monastery in Ladakh and a favourite with tourists. It covers an entire hill side, with its white buildings flowing down the slope in descending order of size and importance. A main attraction is a 15-metre statue of the Maitreya Buddha at the Maitreya Temple.  Thiksey Monastery in Ladakh is spread over an entire hill side             2....