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10 Most Expensive Wedding Ever

On : 18:41

10 Most Expensive Wedding Ever

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.
For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the info-graphic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time 

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.

For many of us, weddings are a time to celebrate love with our closest family members and friends. Add a couple million dollars to this sentiment–and you get the record-breaking wedding budgets of some outrageous celebs. Read the infographic to see which musicians, designers, and political leaders take the wedding cake for most expensive weddings of all time.


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