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Olive Oil and its health benefits

On : 14:38

Olive oil is known to be the healthiest oil there is. Often touted for its antioxidant benefits and its rich flavor and aroma, olive oil is quickly climbing on the top of the health conscious foodie’s list of ingredients. For long, olive oil has been a chief ingredient of the Mediterranean diet. It is rich in phytonutrients and is considered the best oil for cooking or for making salads. This delicious oil is rich in polyphenols, which give it anti-carcinogenic properties and make it an excellent anti inflammatory food. Most of the unique benefits of this oil stem from its large quantities of polyphenols.

So here’s why olive oil is so good for you:

Anti Inflammatory Benefits: it is not every day that you come across an anti-inflammatory oil. Oils are typically fattening and inflammatory, so it was surprising when olive oil was first found out to have anti inflammatory properties. It is the polyphenols in olive oil which lends it the anti inflammatory properties. Olive oil inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes in your body. It may also lower the blood levels of C reactive protein, a specific protein that is linked to inflammation in the body. However, an increased consumption of olive oil does not necessarily mean that you will have more anti inflammatory benefits.

Cardiovascular Benefits: as we grow older, our blood vessels undergo something known as oxidative stress. This is what happens when the blood contains too much of reactive oxygen. The polyphenols in olive oil can help remove the reactive oxygen from the blood, rendering them ineffective. A diet rich in anti oxidants can help remove the oxygen from your blood. Adding olive oils to your foods can give you adequate amounts of antioxidants, thus improving the health of all your cardiovascular organs including the heart and the blood vessels.

Digestive Benefits: numerous studies in the past few years have shown that olive oil can help reduce the occurrence of cancers in the digestive tract. The polyphenols in olive oil can help prevent cancers of the stomach and the small intestines. It can also help protect the lower digestive tract from carcinogens. Polyphenols in olive oil have also shown to decrease the growth of unwanted bacteria in the digestive tract, thus saving it from infections. Olive oil can also inhibit the growth of bacteria helicobacter pylori, an organism that causes stomach ulcers.

Skeletal Benefits: consumption of olive oil also promotes bone health by increasing the absorption of calcium in the body. In a study performed on rats, specific polyphenols in olive oil showed an increased bone formation. It is believed that olive oil can be especially beneficial to post menopausal women who are experiencing bone demineralization and brittleness. 

Cognitive Benefits: among older adults, olive oil has shown to increase cognitive function. Increased ingestion of olive oil has been linked to increased visual memory as well as language retention. Older people who consume olive oil regularly also have improved verbal fluency declining retentive powers and failing memory. 


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