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Benefits of Proper Sleeping :)

Proper Sleeping in very important for every body. Sleep make us feel better and there are many benefits of proper sleeping. Doctors & Analyst do know the health benefits of proper sleeping. Adequate & comfortable is a key part of a healthy life style but a little less sleep can effect our ability to think properly, respond quickly and give good performance in job or in any task.  Here is some Benefits of Proper Sleeping: Sleep reduces stress. Sleep boost your memory. Sleep reduces in flammation. Sleep...

Most Expensive Dog House !!!

Most Expensive Dog House Created by custom doghouse design artists at La Petite Maison, this $30,000 red clay-roofed manse is large enough to accommodate a human and comes complete with Terra-cotta floors. Who's the lucky pooch that calls this humble abode home? This casa belongs to the pets of actress/model Rachel Hunter and is a scaled-down version of her California house. Price: $30,00...

Dolphins Help Save Dog from Drowning

Dolphins Help Save Dog from Drowning On Marco Island, Florida a group of dolphins came to the aid of a lost Doberman that had fallen into a canal and couldn't get out. The dolphins made so much noise, it attracted the attention of people living nearby, who then rescued the dog. The Doberman was believed to have spent 15 hours in the canal water before he was pulled out by fire personnel and reunited with his owner. One of the people whose attention was captured by the noisy, demonstrative dolphins said, "They were really putting...


Soodhu kavvum official first look teaser !

Thirukumaran entertainment presenting Soodhu kavvum official first look teaser. SHARE and SUPPORT us. A Studio Green - K.E. Gnanavel Raja release. A Thirukumaran Entertainment production. Direction : Nalan Kumarasamy Producer: C.V. Kumar Starring : Vijay Sethupathi - Sanchita Shetty Music : Santhosh Narayanan Cinematography : B. Dinesh Krishnan Editor : Leo John Paul.M Art : Vijay Adhinathan Story : Nalan Kumarasamy - Srinivas Kavenayam Sound Design :Vishnu Govind - Sree Sankar / Final Mix : Rajakrishanan Stunts : Billa Jagan Choreography : M.Sherif Visual Effects : G. Manikandan (SICCI Visuals) Costumes...


Google Offers A Chance To Grab Google Glass For Public

Google Offers A Chance To Grab Google Glass For Public Bangalore: The tech giant, Google has launched a new ‘competition’ that allows non-developers to have an experience on the company’s upcoming Internet-enabled device, Google Glass. Initially, the prototype ‘Explorer Edition’ of the networked specs was made available only to the developers, immediately after its launch at Google I/O conference last year. Now, the first time ever Google is allowing the non-developers to get their hands on the device, with 8,000 of them obtaining...

Madhuri Dixit Launches Her Own App To Connect With Fans

Madhuri Dixit Launches Her Own App To Connect With Fans Mumbai: After launching her mobile apps on the iPhone and Android platforms, actress Madhuri Dixit has now launched application - Madhuri Dixit HD on the iPad to connect with her fans. The high definition app allows its users to get the latest updates on the "Devdas" actress. The 45-year-old, who is very active on Twitter and Facebook, decided to launch her app so that she can stay in touch with her fans. "It is hard staying in touch with all the fans today....

4 Outdated Technologies Still Used By People

4 Outdated Technologies Still Used By People 1.Beepers Beepers also known as pagers are a simple telecommunications device used for short messages. These devices are set at a particular frequency in order to enable one receive messages of a few digits or even a number to which the user will call back to. Today beepers may seem sadly unnecessary. But there are about 36 million beepers still using them regularly. Apart from the obvious clientele like drug dealers and cops pretending to be drug-dealing kingpins, many regular...


Rare Look: Google’s First Team in 1999 and Data Centers Today

Rare Look: Google’s First Team in 1999 and Data Centers Today The First Google Team in 1999.  Douglas County, Georgia, USA. Mayes County, Oklahoma, USA. Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA. Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA. Cooling tanks for the massive server rooms. Leonir, North Carolina, USA. Douglas County, Georgia, US ...

A very compassionate man and a loving fox !!!

A very compassionate man and a loving fox !!! Six years ago, Cropper was found in the street after a fight with dogs. Seriously injured and ill (toxoplasmosis), Cropper was nursed back to health by this man's patience, love and determination. It was not strong enough to return to the wild, Cropper spends very happy days with his human friend. ...

Squid - Amazing Sea Creature

Squid - Amazing Sea Creature There are many amazing creatures living in the depth of sea, some of these are very dangerous. The size of majority Squid are about 60 cm and Giant Squit are about 43 ft. Squid have discriminate from their ancestral molluscs similar that the body system has been  summarized antero posteriorly and developed dorso vent-rally. The foot of the ancestor is reshaped into a motleyset of tentacles and highly developed sense organs, have advanced eyes allied to those of vertebrates.In many countries,...

The Pink Color Lake ---- >Lake Hillier, Australia

Lake Hillier, Australia Hillier Lake is situated on Island near Western Australia. The specialty of this lake is that the color of it's water is pink. First time this Island and Lake is analyzed in 1802 and after this it is confirmed by scientists that its color is permanent and this is also cleared that it is not due to algae and bacteria. ...

The Girl Who Can't Feel Pain

The Girl Who Can't Feel Pain Ashlyn Blocker a 12 years old girl who cant feel pain. When she was baby, she never cried when she was hungry or had diaper rash. Ashlyn Blocker was born with a congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA), a disorder that affects the way signals travel from her central nervous system. Her parents first realized that something was wrong with their daughter and then they take her daughter to doctors & then doctors diagnosed that she is a CIPA patient.  Image credit: Courtesy...

Word Most Amazing flyover's Network

Word Most Amazing flyover's Network ...

Amazing Facts About Dolphins

Amazing Facts About Dolphins Dolphins are mammals. Dolphins Give birth and nurse their young's with milk. Dolphins have to come up to surface to breathe. Dolphins are divided in 32 species. The largest dolphin is Orca and length is 27 ft weigh is 6 tonnes. The smallest dolphin is a Porpoise, Vaquita and length is up-to 5 ft and weight is 110 pounds. Dolphins are excellent divers. They can dive down to 1000 ft easily. Dolphins eye lens is very flexible, so they can see clearly in water and in the air up-to 33ft. A 6000 years old...

Stunning Earth View From Space Via Satellite

Stunning Earth View From Space Via Satellite ...

A Baby Dolphin Rescued

A Baby Dolphin Rescued A baby dolphin was found on beach near Capital City Montevideo, Oriental Republic of Uruguay.  Fortunately, a rescue team arrived on the spot and nursed the little baby dolphin back to health. ...

Amazing Puffer Fish

Amazing Puffer Fish Puffer Fish belongs to  Tetraodontidae Family. Tetraodontidae is a family of primarily marine and estuarine fish of the order Tetraodontiformes. The Tetraodontidae contain at least 120 Species. There are 19 types of Puffer Fish are found on this planet. Puffer Fish is the second most poisonous creature on this planet leaving behind the Golden Poison Frog. Puffer Fish is found in tropical waters world wide but they rarely go in to the cold water. ...

Kenguru Electric Car Designed For Wheelchair People

Kenguru Electric Car Designed For Wheelchair People The Kenguru electric car is unlike any other EV, if for no other reason than it doesn't have a seat. That's because the Kenguru is designed to be driven by people in wheelchairsThe Kenguru has a range of between 70 and 110 km. ...

Rolls Royce Loan -- Funny story

Rolls Royce Loan Funny story A businessman walks into a bank in San Francisco and asks for the loan officer. He says he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $7,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for such a loan.So the businessman hands over the keys to a Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank.Everything checks out, and the bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. An employee drives the Rolls into the bank's underground garage and parks...

Beautiful Bedroom Design For Kids.

Beautiful Bedroom Design For Kids ...

Modern Technology! The Kinect Shopping Carts

Modern Technology! The Kinect Shopping Carts This smart Kinect enabled shopping cart is a really an amazing creation as you just plan a list and enter it in the cart while starting shopping and here you go enjoy your shopping. All you do is just put the item in your cart, if a wrong item is placed the cart will tell you that this particular item is not included in your shopping list.  Moreover it will follow you itself as you walk and lead its way, the moment you stop it will stop besides you so that if you...

Modern Living Room decorating Ideas ♣

Modern Living Room decorating Ideas ...

Meet the World's Biggest Rabbit "Herman"

Meet the World's Biggest Rabbit "Herman" This rabbit's name is Herman and he lives with his owner, Hans Wagner, in Berlin, Germany. German Giants are domestic rabbits.  They do not exist in the wild and can live as long as 12 years. Herman can eat a bale of hay per week. He weighs in at 22 lbs and measures a little over 3 feet. ...

Heart Touching Story About Sincerity and Loyality of a Dog

For the past 6 years, a Dog called Capitán has slept next to the grave of his owner every night at 6pm.His owner, Miguel Guzmán died in 2006. Capitán, the dog, disappeared while the family attended the funeral services. A week later relatives of Guzmán were visiting the cemetery when they were astounded to find the dog next to the owner's grave. The cemetery director says that the dog comes around each night at 6pm, and has done so for the past 6 years! This sweet story shows the sincerity and loyality of a dog to his...


GOD in heaven said to a 9 month baby....

♣ Awesome ♣ GOD in heaven said to a 9 month baby: You're going to be born on earth tomorrow... Baby cried n asked: How I'll talk wid people ??? God: I had already sent an angel And King to earth, They 'll teach U... Child: How I'll pray to U ??? God: The angel will teach U... Child: How I'll learn good words ??? God: King will teach U... Child: If I suffer from sorrow?? God: Angel will be there to listen... Child: How I'll Play wit ppl ??? God: The King will Teach U... Child: How do I find that angel And King ??? God:...


HEAVEN IS REAL, says neurosurgeon who claims to have visited the AFTERLIFE

HEAVEN IS REAL, says neurosurgeon who claims to have visited the AFTERLIFE Dr. Eben Alexander has taught at Harvard Medical School and has earned a strong reputation as a neurosurgeon. And while Alexander says he's long called himself a Christian, he never held deeply religious beliefs or a pronounced faith in the afterlife. But after a week in a coma during the fall of 2008, during which his neocortex ceased to function, Alexander claims he experienced a life-changing visit to the afterlife, specifically heaven. "According...


THE PRAYER THAT SHOCKED THE WORLD When Pastor Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard: "Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, "Woe to those who call evil good", but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We...

Obituary printed in the London Times.....Absolutely Dead Brilliant!

Obituary printed in the London Times.....Absolutely Dead Brilliant! Today we mourn the passing away of a beloved old friend, Common Sense,who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will, however, be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; -...