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Kamal Haasan's 'Marudhanayagam' at the Cannes film market

Kamal Haasan's 'Marudhanayagam' at the Cannes film market Looks like Kamal Haasan is going all out to revive 'Marudhanayagam', which was put in cold storage several years ago owing to financial crises. The poster of Marudhanayagam displayed with Sangamithra at the Cannes 2017, has fuelled speculations that superstar Kamal Haasan has revived his dream project. The period film, which revolves around the life of the 18th century warrior Mohammad Yusuf Khan, was expected to release in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and English. Though...

UPSC IAS Prelims Admit Card 2017 Download

UPSC IAS Prelims Admit Card 2017 Download From @Upsc.Gov.In; UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Hall Tickets UPSC IAS Prelims Admit Card 2017 : Now Candidates Can Download UPSC IAS Prelims 2017 Admit Card/Hall Tickets. Candidates can download Admit Cards from official website of the Union Public Service Commission at According to Union Government, a total of 980 Office Holders will be selected this year through UPSC Civil Services Exam 2017. UPSC Released Notification in February this year. As per the existing calendar...

Triple talaq: Will issue advisory against practice, says Muslim law board to Supreme Court

Triple talaq: Will issue advisory against practice, says Muslim law board to Supreme Court The All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) on Monday, filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court in the Triple Talaq matter.In its affidavit, AIMPLB said that it would issue an advisory requesting individuals who perform the nikah (marriage) to follow the following steps. Firstly, the individual performing the nikah will advise the bridegroom that in case of differences leading to a divorce, the bridegroom shall not say talaq thrice...