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Tamilnadu Students Protest For Tamil Eelam @ Marina Beach Chennai

கொளுத்தும் வெயிலில் சென்னை கடற்கரையில் மாணவர் போராட்டம் ! ...


Benefits Of Sitting Straight – How To Sit Straight For A Long Time?

Benefits Of Sitting Straight – How To Sit Straight For A Long Time? Sitting straight has mental, physical and social benefits. It helps in even distribution of weight, down the spine, it improves concentration and it shows that you are ‘alert and active’. Let us explore benefits of sitting straight and how to sit straight for long time.  Benefits of sitting straight:  Improves Concentration - Sitting straight has direct positive effect over concentration. All the Yoga postures, Pranayama requires you to sit straight. Memory...


Some comments regarding Tamil Eelam Issue !

தமிழ் ஈழம் தொடர்பான , மக்களின் சில கருத்துக்கள்    ...

Students from Tamilnadu Colleges started protesting for "Tamil Eelam" issue !

ஈழத் தமிழர்களின் பிரச்சனை - களத்தில் மாநிலக் கல்லூரி மாணவர்கள்    ...


Photos Of Incredible Fireworks ♣

Photos Of Incredible Fireworks Fireworks are a class of explosive pyrotechnic devices used for aesthetic and entertainment purposes. Fireworks (devices) take many forms to produce the four primary effects: noise, light, smoke, and floating materials (confetti for example). They may be designed to burn with flames and sparks of many colors, typically red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and silver. Displays are common throughout the world and are the focal point of many cultural and religious celebrations Fireworks are...

25 Hilarious Egg Expressions

25 Hilarious Egg Expressions ♣ Eggs are usages for different purpose. You can draw them, paint them, fry, hard boil, scramble and bake them. But in addition to all their delicious nutritional value, they also can be used to create some truly amazing pictures of art, like the ones featured below. This is what happens when somebody has far too much time on their hand, a dozen eggs, and a Sharpie. Funny face expression make eggs more delicious. Take a look at these attractive egg smiles with dissimilar reactions and prospect. ...

10 Tips for Preventing Acne

10 Tips for Preventing Acne 1. Keep your face clean. Whether or not you have acne, it's important to wash your face daily to remove impurities, dead skin cells, and excess oil from the skin surface. Use warm, not hot, water and a mild facial cleanser. Using a harsh soap (like deodorant body soap) can injure the already inflamed skin and cause more irritation. Avoid scrubbing your skin harshly with a washcloth, exfoliating glove, or loofah (a coarse-textured sponge). Gently wash it with your clean hands or a very soft cloth....

Risky Sporting Moments Caught on Camera ♣

Risky Sporting Moments Caught on Camera ♣ ...

How to Survive Summer time in India !!!

How to Survive Summer time in India !!!  Summer time in India is far from being a pleasant time if you are in the plains and are not heading for the hills. In fact, a typical Indian summer day in a city such as Delhi can feel like an oven that has been put on a really high pre-heated temperature mark! Yet, if you follow some simple tips, you can remain as cool as cucumber. Read on to know more. Besides the essentials, like applying tons of sunscreen lotion and wearing loose fitting, preferably cotton clothes, here are a few...

Impressive Oil Rig, Troll-A

Impressive Oil Rig, Troll-A ...

Significant Facebook Changes Since 2004

Significant Facebook Changes Since 2004 ...


Holy Sh*t !!!! ♣ # Just Miss !

Holy Sh*t !!!! ♣ # Just Miss ! ...


Hilarious and Funny Animals ♣

Hilarious and Funny Animals ♣ ...