UPSC IAS Prelims Admit Card 2017 Download From @Upsc.Gov.In; UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Hall Tickets
UPSC IAS Prelims Admit Card 2017 : Now Candidates Can Download UPSC IAS Prelims 2017 Admit Card/Hall Tickets. Candidates can download Admit Cards from official website of the Union Public Service Commission at According to Union Government, a total of 980 Office Holders will be selected this year through UPSC Civil Services Exam 2017. UPSC Released Notification in February this year. As per the existing calendar of the Commission, the preliminary examination will be held on 18 June 2017.

Candidates may now download the IAS admit card/Hall Tickets from the official website using their Registration number and details. Even though the admit cards were scheduled to be released just three weeks prior to the written examination date, UPSC released them earlier. Due to the huge number of users on the UPSC website candidates may face technical issues in downloading their admit card/hall tickets, so the candidates are advised to stay calm and refresh the website in a short interval of time.
Admit card link will be active till 18 June 2017. However candidates are suggested to download at the earliest in order to avoid last minute rush.

Candidates may now download the IAS admit card/Hall Tickets from the official website using their Registration number and details. Even though the admit cards were scheduled to be released just three weeks prior to the written examination date, UPSC released them earlier. Due to the huge number of users on the UPSC website candidates may face technical issues in downloading their admit card/hall tickets, so the candidates are advised to stay calm and refresh the website in a short interval of time.
Admit card link will be active till 18 June 2017. However candidates are suggested to download at the earliest in order to avoid last minute rush.
- Candidates need to visit the official website
- After visiting the website, the candidates will have to click on the active link of ‘e-admit card for UPSC Civil Services Prelims examination‘
- Clicking the link will direct the candidates to a page where they will get important instructions about the examination.
- Candidates need to provide their name, Registered number, registration id, and name and year of examination in the corresponding boxes to download their admit card.
- Candidates must download and take a print out of the admit card for future reference.
A total of 1,079 and 1,164 vacancies were reported to be filled through the civil services examinations 2016 and 2015, respectively. Those who clear the prelims can appear for the main exam which is scheduled to be held on October 10, 2017.
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